Primate Monocytes - CD14, CD16 - Ziegler-Heitbrock


Novel Lysine-Rich Delivery Peptides of Plant Origin ERD and Human S100: The Effect of Carboxyfluorescein Conjugation, Influence of Aromatic and Proline Residues, Cellular Internalization, and Penetration Ability.


The need for novel drug delivery peptides is an important issue of the modern pharmaceutical research. Here, we test K-rich peptides from plant dehydrin ERD14 (ERD-A, ERD-B, and ERD-C) and the C-terminal CPP-resembling region of S100A4 (S100) using the 5(6)-carboxyfluorescein (Cf) tag at the N-terminus. Via a combined pH-dependent NMR and fluorescence study, we analyze the effect of the Cf conjugation/modification on the structural behavior, separately investigating the (5)-Cf and (6)-Cf forms. Flow cytometry results show that all peptides internalize; however, there is a slight difference between the cellular internalization of (5)- and (6)-Cf-peptides. We indicate the possible importance of residues with an aromatic sidechain and proline. We prove that ERD-A localizes mostly in the cytosol, ERD-B and S100 have partial colocalization with lysosomal staining, and ERD-C mainly localizes within vesicle-like compartments, while the uptake mechanism mainly occurs through energy-dependent paths.

Authors: Sebák F, Horváth LB, Kovács D, Szolomájer J, Tóth GK, Babiczky Á, Bősze S, Bodor A,
Journal: ACS Omega;2021Dec21; 6 (50) 34470-34484. doi:10.1021/acsomega.1c04637
Year: 2021
PubMed: PMID: 34963932 (Go to PubMed)