Primate Monocytes - CD14, CD16 - Ziegler-Heitbrock


The Myeloid Cell Compartment-Cell by Cell.


Myeloid cells are a major cellular compartment of the immune system comprising monocytes, dendritic cells, tissue macrophages, and granulocytes. Models of cellular ontogeny, activation, differentiation, and tissue-specific functions of myeloid cells have been revisited during the last years with surprising results; for example, most tissue macrophages are yolk sac derived, monocytes and macrophages follow a multidimensional model of activation, and tissue signals have a significant impact on the functionality of all these cells. While these exciting results have brought these cells back to center stage, their enormous plasticity and heterogeneity, during both homeostasis and disease, are far from understood. At the same time, the ongoing revolution in single-cell genomics, with single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) leading the way, promises to change this. Prevailing models of hematopoiesis with distinct intermediates are challenged by scRNA-seq data suggesting more continuous developmental trajectories in the myeloid cell compartment. Cell subset structures previously defined by protein marker expression need to be revised based on unbiased analyses of scRNA-seq data. Particularly in inflammatory conditions, myeloid cells exhibit substantially vaster heterogeneity than previously anticipated, and work performed within large international projects, such as the Human Cell Atlas, has already revealed novel tissue macrophage subsets. Based on these exciting developments, we propose the next steps to a full understanding of the myeloid cell compartment in health and diseases.

Authors: Bassler K, Schulte-Schrepping J, Warnat-Herresthal S, Aschenbrenner AC, Schultze JL.
Journal: Annu Rev Immunol. 2019 Apr 26;37:269-293
Year: 2019
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