(Picture provided by David Hockley, NIBSC, Potters Bar, UK)
Primate Monocytesin Health and Disease
Primate monocytes, especially human monocytes, are at the leading edge of the analysis of monocyte heterogeneity and for this a broad array of reagents is available. Currently classical CD14++CD16- monocytes, non-classical CD14+CD16++ monocytes and intermediate CD14++CD16+ monocytes are established, but additional cell types or cell states may emerge. Protocols and literature relevant to monocyte subsets in man and in non-human primates are covered under the present page.
The focus on monocyte heterogeneity has uncovered the role that different monocyte subsets play in malignancy and inflammation and in immune defence and tissue remodelling. Monocytes do so via processes of phagocytosis, antigen processing and presentation and via cytokine production.
Analysis of these processes can be done with primary cells or with model cell lines. Here the cell line Mono Mac 6 is a useful tool, which represents the only mature human monocytic cell line available to date. A little less mature is the companion cell line Mono Mac 1 , which has been useful for studies on chemokine function. Protocols and literature for both cell lines can be found under this page.